I found 3 ways to get Leads using Whatsapp only

NetworKit Digital Store
3 min readJan 16, 2024


Getting high-quality leads has being one of the major problems to startups especially to does on low budget like you and I. Many days, weeks and months passed by with me still pondering on how I can grow my brand awareness. Unknown to me that what I travelled to get is actually living with me.

One day I came across a guy who mentioned that he actually got over 30 authentic leads on his Whatsapp in 3 weeks with no ads attached. I was surprised and (to be sincere) I thought he was just lying and trying to get me to participate in one of those get-rich-quick Schemes. So the EVE in me decided to do a lil research and in this post I am going to compile all what I learn in me 3 months of research...

Whatsapp Broadcast is a great tool to build a one-on-one relationship with your Audience (contacts though 🤣🤣)

Screenshot on how to start your WhatsApp Broadcast

When you broadcast a message, you actually bulk send your message to multiple contacts at the same time and the best part is, Whatsapp won’t notify the recipient that this message was broadcasted, this is will make it look as though it was typed individually or was sent to them only. Let’s take a good look at how many leads I got within 3 months using just my WhatsApp;

Photo of my leads on Whatsapp Broadcast
[Don't mind my emojis dear]

2. If you want to make your contacts feel at home, build a safe community for them to relax on

Whatsapp Marketing is never easier until it introduced the feature known as Community. This is a big game changer to Whatsapp as a Community is a collection of groups of the same likeliness. With Community you can build different groups of the same category that answers the questions of your audience. Let’s take a look at some Whatsapp Communities I created/belong to;

Some communities I created/belong to

3. Build a channel to give your contacts an exclusive space to not only feel at home but also gain special access to your contents.

Whatsapp Channels

WhatsApp Channels functions like both WhatsApp Broadcast and Whatsapp Community. Not only do you interact specially to your audience but you also get to share contents of your choice (no algorithmic limitations). You can also receive reactions and private conversations through your WhatsApp Channel. Best of all, all followers of your channel are kept anonymous and encrypted away from others. Let’s look at some simple new channels and their followers.

New channels to learn from

To wrap this up

When it comes to building trust and generating brand awareness, Whatsapp has various tools that can help you achieve that in a flash and the 3 best tools Whatsapp has to offer for you are the Broadcast, Community and Channels.



NetworKit Digital Store

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