How to get started as a Computer Science Student in 2024

NetworKit Digital Store
4 min readMar 28, 2024


Computer science is the study of computation, algorithms, data structures, and computer architecture. It is a vast and ever-growing field that has applications in almost every industry.

Roadmap for Computer Science Students in 2024

Why Study Computer Science?

There are many reasons to study computer science. Some of the most common reasons include:

High demand for computer science professionals: The demand for computer science professionals is growing rapidly. This is due to the increasing use of computers and technology in all aspects of our lives.
Good salaries: Computer science professionals earn some of the highest salaries in the tech industry.
Job security: Computer science is a relatively stable field. This is because computers and technology are essential to the functioning of our modern world.
Intellectual challenge: Computer science is a challenging and intellectually stimulating field. It is constantly evolving, which means that there is always something new to learn.

How to Get Started as a Computer Science Student

If you are interested in studying computer science, there are a few things you can do to get started:

1. Start with the basics:

Understanding the basics of a computer is the first step to becoming an IT student in 2024

The first step is to learn the basics of computer science. This includes learning about computer parts, hardware, softwares like Microsoft word, Microsoft PowerPoint, the basic parts of a Computer, and many more.

2. Start programming:

Languages like C, C++, Java and JavaScript should be your next target as an IT student in 2024

Once you have a basic understanding of computer science, you can start programming. Programming is the process of writing code that tells a computer what to do. You can start by learning simple languages like JavaScript, Java and even C

3. Learn databases:

You can start by learning MongoDB, SQL or any other storage languages known as DATABASES

Databases are used to store and organize data. Learning about databases is essential for any computer science student.

4. Software Development:

Want to be a software Developer, languages like C++ and JavaScript should be your partner

Software development is the process of creating and maintaining software applications.

5. Learn Web Development:

Start by understanding HTML, CSS and JavaScript to build a user friendly website

Web development is the process of creating and maintaining websites.

We have three types of Web Development such as:

a. Frontend Development

b. Backend Development

c. Full stack Development

6. Learn App Development:

Start building Apps as an IT student with Kotlin and Flutter

App development is the process of creating and maintaining mobile applications.

If you wish to build an app for Android, then go for Java/Kotlin. For iOS, go for Xamarin, Swift or React native meanwhile if you wish to build both an Android App and an iOS App, then go for flutter.

7. Ethical Hacking:

Become a Cyber Security Agent as an IT student in 2024

Ethical hacking is the process of finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in computer systems.

It’s also a framework and an essential skill in Cyber Security for Beginners.

If programming is not your thing...

Other Digital skills you can get as an IT student in 2024

If you are not interested in programming, there are other IT courses you can take. These courses include:

* Digital Marketing
* Graphics Design
* UI & UX

To wrap this up, Computer science is a vast and ever-growing field that has applications in almost every industry. If you are interested in a challenging and intellectually stimulating career, then computer science may be the right field for you. get started is to find a program that fits your interests and needs.



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