10 simple things to do before starting an Online Business.

NetworKit Digital Store
3 min readJan 3, 2024


Starting up an Online Business can/may be a life-changing goal. Your success solely depends on how you manipulate your mindset. In terms of Mindset, I mean how you think and act towards your goal. The good thing about starting up an Online Business is that it is not as hard as it sounds neither is it as easy as many Online Coaches claims to be.

But what really matters in your Online Business is to split them into phases, which are:

  1. The before
  2. During
  3. And the Aftermath.

In this post, we are going to focus on the 10 simple things to do before starting up your Online Business. Without further ado, let me get straight to the point.....

So what are the things to do before starting up an Online Business? --

Become a wise startup and don't get deceived by the so-called Online Coaches

1. Decide on the kind of Business you want to go into: Do make sure to run a thorough Analysis on the kind of Business you want to embark on. In the next broadcast, I will be showing to you how to run a thorough Analysis on your proposed Business.

2. Ask questions to people who have done similar Business: Ask them about the problems they have faced, what they encountered while venturing in the Business and the ups and downs associated with the Business. If you don’t have anyone who have the experience on your Business, you can join an Online Forum, reach out to a Blogger or even brainstorm with an LLM.

3. Summarize your plans into an Outline: Jot down the future of your Business into an Outline with powerful Bullet Points. State your next line of action into your Outline and make it as precise as possible.

4. Reevaluate your plans: Cross-check your plans to find out any possible changes you can make to the plan. It is even advicible to analyze over 5 Businesses.

5. Create a social media platform that aligns with your Audience: One of the most important aspect of starting up a Business is to have the right audience.

6. Get an Online Course and an Ebook on that Business: To be 100% frank with you, there is no business whether offline or online that you won’t need a Course on, a Course is good because you have a teacher that takes time to explain everything to you and an Ebook is very good too because you may want to read something about a particular topic on that Business, with your Ebook, you can easily go back to that section of that book and read about it once more. Rather than spending time to cram it.

7. Set up your Budget: What do you need to buy? What app or platform do you need to subscribe to? What are the materials you need to start up that Business? How much do you have at hand to start it up?

8. Get a good platform: Find a good platform where you can get started with your Business. If you are into Data Reselling, find a good reselling app approved by the government. If you are a Web Developer, find a good Code editor, a hosting site and test across various browsers.

9. Set up your Pricing: Of course you gotta make money, even if it’s just a few bucks at first, that’s okay. Remember you are a startup so there’s no need to push it. Do not look at the so called "*GURUS*". You are you.
Set up a price that you feel will be very comfortable for both you and your audience. Remember to always use the Girdilock theory if you are into B2B, B2C, PAAS or even SAAS. These will be explained in a blog post in the future (hopefully).

10. Drive traffic: You can’t start up a Business where you are the only one who is aware of your Business, reach out to your Family Members, your Friends, Neighbors or even Build an audience online, offer them free services as incentives, build trust and good relationship with your Audience. Lastly, target audience using demographics related to your Business when you want to run ads or build a community.



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